Tube Co

5 Smolyaninova Smolensk Oblast 214031 Russia
5 ulitsa Smolyaninova Smolensk Smolenskaya oblast' 214031 RU

Tube Company is an official trademark of R&K LLC. R&K LLC officially represents the Atlantic group in Europe and in the USA.

R&K LLC company information:

Registration code (OGRN): 1146733002140
VAT (INN): 6732068978
Address: 2 Nahimova Str., office 29, Smolensk, Russian Federation, 214025
Atlantic Group for over 20 years engaged in the production and sales of various metal-rolled products. The group consists of several companies, including manufacturing company Smolgrand LLC. In 2013, Smolgrand LLC started its own production of longitudinal welded tubes, on the tube mill produced by Italian company OTO MILLS.

Atlantic Group company information:

Registration code (OGRN) : 1026701452161
VAT (INN): 6729005738
Address: 5 Smolyaninova Str., Smolensk, Russian Federation, 214031

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