PT Kencana Maju Bersama

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Logo - Kencana Maju Bersama.jpg
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Gedung Kencana Lt.2, Jl. Bubutan 127-135
Gedung Kencana Lt.2, Jl. Bubutan 127-135 Surabaya East Java 60174 ID

PT. Kencana Maju Bersama is a company engaged in the distribution of galvalume or lightweight steel manufacturing which is well known under the brand “KENCANA” and branches throughout Indonesia. Behind a beautiful building, there are quality and strong materials. Entrust your loyal construction partner to Kencana Indonesia, the lightweight steel expert of the highest quality. Want a sturdy building for a long time? Use a building frame made of lightweight steel. Contact a trusted lightweight steel supplier for sturdy and durable building results.

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Cover Image - Kencana Maju Bersama.png 2 years ago
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Logo - Kencana Maju Bersama.jpg 2 years ago
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Showing 7 results
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Gedung KENCANA, Jl. Bubutan 127 – 135 0 km

PT Kepuh Kencana Arum (KKA) was established in 1991 in Mojokerto, East Java. KENCANA is a brand introduced to the market by PT Kepuh Kencana Arum. At first PT. Kepuh Kencana Arum manufactures seamless corrugated metal roofing and as time goes by, PT Kepuh Kencana Arum adds a variety of products in the form of metal roof tiles, roof frames, ceiling frames, ceiling coverings, partition frames, and others. With the expertise, perseverance, experience and dedication of the entire company team.

PT Kepuh Kencana Arum has succeeded in improving product quality in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and production capacity by establishing factories in Bogor in 1997, Makassar in 2002, Semarang in 2010, and Bandung in 2020, as well as establishing cooperation with suppliers of raw materials that have international standards and meet Indonesian national standards (SNI). Currently, PT. KKA also has the VIVO brand. PT Kepuh Kencana Arum won the trust of PT. Krakatau Steel through production cooperation for light steel products that use the Krakatau Steel brand.

Cover Image - Gerai Baja Ringan Kepuh.jpg
Gedung KENCANA Lt.2, Jl. Bubutan 127-135 0 km

PT Gerai Baja Ringan Kepuh is a pioneer company in the light steel industry network in Indonesia. Where is an affiliated company of PT Sunrise Steel & PT Kepuh Kencana Arum which has more than 30 years of experience. As a light steel industrial network company, PT Gerai Baja Ringan Kepuh not only introduces and sells light steel products. This means that PT Gerai Baja Ringan Kepuh is ready to assist prospective entrepreneurs in preparing systems, SOP, and training employees and operators.

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Jl. Bypass Mojokerto KM. 54, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 45.39 km

PT. Sunrise Steel is present in Indonesia as an answer to consumer needs for Zinc Aluminium Coated Steel (BjLAS) ZINIUM material which can be applied to all aspects of human life and has a long life in use. Innovation of PT. Sunrise Steel is the only Zinc Aluminium Coated Steel (BjLAS) ZINIUM product that meets the “Longer Usage Term” principle compared to other similar products, which is also friendly to the environment and for future survival.

PT. Sunrise Steel wants to touch all aspects of human life, through various variants of Zinc Aluminium Coated Steel (BjLAS) ZINIUM applications which are useful for everyday life, starting from buildings, electronic components, household appliances, and much more, all of which require the principle of ” long-term usage ”as the most important aspect. PT. Sunrise Steel wants to open the view of the modern generation that Zinc Aluminium Coated Steel (BjLAS) material can be applied to almost all aspects of human life and has high durability for long-term use.

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